Getting started

Getting started with Templid

Welcome to our documentation.

This documentation consists of two main parts: API and Services.

If you want to know more about our project, please read the What is Templid? section.

Currently, we are working hard on improving our documentation.

If you have any questions, notes, bug reports or any other concerns, please feel free to write us [email protected]

API documentation

The API documentation is a reference manual that contains all the information about our REST API.

It describes what endpoints are available, what each endpoint does, what parameters it expects, and what the response will be.

Also, we show detailed examples of how to use each endpoint.

If you are a developer and want to integrate with our API, please read the Introduction section.

Services documentation

The services documentation is a reference manual that contains all the information about our services. It describes what services are available, what each product does, and how to use it.

Currently, you can find the following documentation sections about our services: